The easiest way to learn from people that have achieved that you want to is by reading their books. A lot of successful traders have written about their strategy. They explain how they’ve been able to turn a few buck into millions.

But their all focused on one specific success. Momentum Masters takes a different approach. It has gathered 4 super traders in performance and asked all of them the same questions. The great thing is that you get a selection of different opinions and views on every subject.

I’ve read Momentum Masters for the first time in just one evening. Since then I’ve already read it a couple of times more, and making a lot of notes while reading.

This book is a great addition to every trader’s books library.

There is so much information inside that you must take the time to not only read it through, but really study the answers of all momentum masters.

The book is made of 130 real questions that Mark Minervini were asked by followers of him.

Instead of answering all questions to each of askers themself, he create this book to answer all the questions.

He even added 3 more super traders to answer the same questions for you. Now you not only have Mark’s answers, but also from David Ryan, Dan Zanger en Mark Ritchie II.

They’re all supertraders that have made an incredible performance in the stock market.

The best about having four super traders answering the same question is that you easily can find the similarities and differences.

By seeing the similarities of all the best things they all four us in their trading you can easily say that if that works for all of them, it will most likely be true for you as well.

Looking at the differences between the four of them you’ll be able to see more angles on a particular thing from all great traders.

So the one answer is not better or worse then the other, for each of the traders it has proven to fit their approach the best.

You’ll learn more about these differences because you’ll start to search for the one answer that fits you own style the best.



Super Traders

So who are those super traders taking place at the round-table to answer the questions?

Mark Minervini is the writer of this book, but also an amazing trader. He returned 36,000% with only one losing quarter in sic year. Averaging a 220% annual return in that period. He also won the U.S. Investing Championship with a 155% annual return.

He is featured in Jack Schwager’s Stock Market Wizards: Interviews with America’s Top Stock Traders. Mark has previously written the best-selling trading book ‘Trade like a stock market wizard: how to achieve super-performance in stocks in any market’.

David Ryan is a protege of the legendary William O’Neil and a former money manager at O’Neil & Co. He also has won the U.S. Investing Championship, but David did it three times in a row scoring triple-digit returns each year. Making a 1,370% total return on investment.

David is featured in Jack Schwager’s book ‘Stock Market Wizards: Interviews with top traders’.

Dan Zanger is know for turning $10.775 into $18 million in just 18 months during the late 1990’s. In two years, his account got up to $42 million. Dan was featured in an extensive article in Fortune magazine in 2000.

The last super trader to answer all questions is a relative newcomer, and the son of a true market wizard. Mark Ritchie II, he is one of Mark Minervini’s top students. Achieving a +100% return in less than six months to win Mark Minervini’s 2010 Triple Digit Challenge.


What is this book about?

The book is divided in eleven sections. Starting with a small introduction and ending with some final thoughts.

The questions answered by these stock market wizards are divided per key area to keep everything easy to follow.

The questions off course cover a wide range of areas in trading. So the books is organized per main area;

  • Stock Selection
  • Position Sizing
  • Technical Analysis
  • Fundamentals
  • General Market
  • Entry Criteria
  • Risk Management
  • Trade Management
  • Psychology

Every question is answers by all four of the top traders before going on to the next one. The great thing is to have all the thoughts about a particular question directly together.

No need to switch from one interview to the other to find what the other trader thinks about the same point.

Plain and simple, all answers merged at one place in the book for your convenience.

For who is this book?

As the name of the books says this is all about momentum trading. Finding the best stocks that are breaking out to new highs on strong volume.

A widely appreciated and used strategy that has made a lot of people a lot of money. It is simple to understand and the rules can be very simple as well.

The answers in this book will help you learn more about this strategy if you don’t already know a lot about it. So it is readable for beginning traders.

Although because of the depth of the answers it is best if you know how momentum trading works. In that case it is much easier to place all the answers into the strategy.

If you’re already involved in momentum or growth trading this book has a lot of great tips and tricks that you must learn to understand.

There is no reason why you wouldn’t want to learn from these four amazing market wizards.

You can pay thousands of dollars to get into trading programs or seminars. You might be able to ask some questions to one of these super traders once.

But you’ll never be able to ask 130 great trading question to four of the best momentum traders at once.

And that is exactly what this book gives you. And the questions asked are much better than the average questions you’d ask yourself.


If you’re involved in the stock market and already focus on momentum trading this book is an absolute must for you.

If you are involved in the stock market, but don’t trade moment this book is also a must for you. You need to learn about the possibilities that moment trading has to make amazingly big returns.

The way the book is organized is simply great and provides you with the best information at the right moment while reading.

This is another must read if you want to be successful in trading.

Have you already read it? What did you think?