The Best Way To Track Your Trading Performance

Off course one of the most essential things to do when you are trading stocks is keeping track of all of your trades to be sure that you are profitable. You have to know how well your strategy is going and what trades have made you money and which didn’t. So you...

The Best Broker For Penny Stocks

Your broker is one of the things that can make a huge difference in your trading success. You have to pay commissions on your trades. You have to borrow stocks when you want to short sell. Online brokers are very different from each other. A mistake most people make...

Mercedes is testing Google Glass Integration

I put the car in park, unplug the phone, and put Google Glass on my face. Within seconds, I’ve got step-by-step directions to a coffee shop down the street beamed directly to my eyeballs. This is what Mercedes-Benz has planned for the future, and not only do they have...

Making 73ct/share profit In Half An Hour On $STXS

At first I didn’t have any interest for $STXS and it hasn’t been on any of my watch lists before. But during the day I regularly check the most percentage gainers of the day to see what moves. And look into the stocks to see if there is a possible play.I...

Trading solar stocks

$HSOL made it to my watchlist a while ago, on July 8th I first mentioned it going up on good financial results. The first few days it kept uptrending but than it stopped really moving.The news that pumped the whole Chinese solar sector was that China and the European...

Beautiful Google Glass play

NEWS: Google to fund Taiwanese display maker to push Google Glass HIMX appeared on my watchlist for the first time on April 9th. Back then there wasn’t much news coming out to get the stock up or down. But luckily I keep an eye on my stocks that have made...