Alibaba First Public Earnings

Alibaba earned 45 cents a share minus items, meeting Wall Street estimates in its fiscal second quarter. That’s a 9.4% gain vs. a year earlier, according to Alibaba, a sharp slowdown from Q1’s 60%.Revenue rose 54% to $2.74 billion, led by a surge in mobile...

Grand Vision for the Next 10 Years of Facebook

When publishing Facebook’s quarterly earnings Mark also presented his grand vision for the future of Facebook as a company;Zuckerberg  outlined his three-, five-, and 10-year plan for the company.In summary, he wants to have multiple Facebook products —...

The Adventure of GoPro

The Adventure of Life in Ultra HDAll around the world GoPro users are capturing incredible experiences, from the heart-stopping to the heartfelt. Into the caldron of an active volcano, the neon streets of Japan, a refuge for wild mustangs, scaling an iceberg, the...

How Technology Is Going To Change Our Society

Have you ever thought about how fast the world around you is changing? Have you ever thought about how the future will look like? How technology is changing our lives already and how this will affect our future?Most of us have thought about it. Most of us have seen...

The Single Most Important Secret To Success

There are some secrets to success, some rules and principles that the most successful people in the world all are applying to their lives. These are the secrets that guided them on their journey to massive success. I’ll be sharing these secrets to success with...

The Warren Buffett Challenge

There are investors and then there is Warren Buffett. Better known as the “Oracle of Omaha,”. He is widely considered the most successful investor of the 20th century.Do you want to know if your annual salary can beat Warren Buffet in the future? It’s time to...